Anointing of the Sick
Are there people sick among you? Let them send for the priests of the Church, who will pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick persons, and the Lord will raise them up. If they have committed any sins, their sins will be forgiven them. (James 5:14-15)
The compassion of Jesus for the sick and His readiness to cure those having faith is found throughout the three years of his public ministry as recorded in the Gospels. His Apostles continued his compassion by healing the sick in His name. Jesus’ love and concern for the sick continues in our lives through the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.
The Anointing of the Sick is a prayer of healing, not only for our physical healing, but also for spiritual health, and for the strength, peace, and courage to bear the burden of illness.
As Christians, we are asked to see our sufferings as a way of being united with the sufferings of Christ.
While anointing the head of the sick person with Oil of the Sick, the priest or bishop prays:
Through this holy anointing
may the Lord in his love and mercy
help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, +
and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The priest may also anoint the person’s hands with the Oil of the Sick while praying: May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up. Amen.
The Anointing of the Sick also imparts the forgiveness of sins, and therefore can only be administered by a priest or bishop.
To arrange for receiving the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, contact the Church Office to make arrangements with the priest for you to receive the Sacrament. Saturday or Sunday right after Mass is a particularly good time if you are able to attend Mass.
Sun | 10:00am |
Fri | 10:00am |
All are welcome to fully participate in the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
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