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St. Thomas The Apostle
Catholic Church

                  Welcome to Saint Thomas The Apostle Catholic Church, Las Vegas! It is our hope that you will find St. Thomas to be your worship home as you seek God's way for your life. We have a wide variety of opportunities for worship, service, education and community available for each of us to enjoy and to share our time and talents in the service of our brothers and sisters in Christ, Jesus the Lord.

I feel confident that you will find in our parish the same gracious hospitality and sense of inclusion that so many of us new to St. Thomas have experienced in the past. Join us! You will feel welcomed at St. Thomas.

Bishop Brian P. Spencer, M. Div.

Our Church is located at
2715 Torrey Pines
Las Vegas, NV 89146

               Office Hours, Friday's 9am-1pm, or by appointment

Church Office Telephone: (702) 655-5840

Click on the red marker below
for directions.

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Welcome to Saint Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church. We are an Independent Roman Catholic Church, belonging to the growing Independent Catholic Movement. The IRCC is an autocephalous faith community.

We are a valid Catholic Church in the Roman Catholic tradition, in the spirit of Vatican II. According to the papal encyclical Dominus Jesus, St. Pope John Paul II, June 16, 2000, and signed by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, August 6, from the Office of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith;

“The Churches which, while not existing in perfect communion with the Roman Catholic Church, remain united to her by means of the closest bands, that is, by apostolic succession and a valid Eucharist, are true particular Churches. Therefore, the Church of Christ is present and operative also in these Churches, even though they lack full communion with the Roman Catholic Church.

“Therefore, these separated Churches and communities as such… have by no mean been deprived of significance and importance in the mystery of salvation. For the Spirit of Christ has not refrained from using them as means of salvation which derive their efficacy from the very fullness of grace and truth entrusted to the Catholic Church.” Unicity and Unity of the Church, IV,17

At St. Thomas we have a special place for Catholics who are no longer attending Mass, or who are searching because of past pains and impositions which have left them feeling separated, marginalized, abused, or scandalized but nevertheless still seek a valid, authentic way to be Catholic and in God’s presence in today’s chaotic world.

All the baptized who profess Jesus truly present in the bread we eat and the wine we drink, are welcome to participate in the holy sacrament of the altar.

No man has the authority to decide who or who cannot receive holy communion. We are all sinners and are welcome at the Lord’s table.

+Sacrament of Matrimony (no annulment necessary)

+House Blessings


+Religious Education programs for children and youth


The Church exists for the glory of God. That is why we;

*Celebrate the Holy Eucharist

*Preach the good news of salvation

*Care for the needy

*Prepare men and women for the deaconate and priesthood

*Gather for worship and prayer

*Administer the sacraments

*Preach the forgiveness of sins


Do you have a religious vocation to the deaconate or priesthood?  Holy Orders are open to men and women. Laymen and women can also train to become leaders and ministry in the church.

Holy Cross Seminary is now accepting applications.

Focus On Our Mission

At St. Thomas we have a special heart for Catholics who are no longer attending Mass, or who are searching because of past pains and impositions which have left them feeling separated, marginalized, abused, or scandalized but nevertheless still seeking a valid, authentic way to be Catholic and in God’s presence in today’s chaotic world. We want you to experience the fullness of the gospel message and its saving grace through Christ Jesus our Lord.

We hold true to the teachings of the apostles and the historic Catholic Church, celebrating the fullness of a personal relationship with Christ Jesus through the sacraments which He initiated, and who gives great gifts of grace to all who receive His love, mercy and forgiveness by faith.

We seek to live out the joy of our salvation in the kingdom of God in the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit, and be empowered to share that blessed hope with all who have no earthly hope.

We seek to allow the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit, complete access to our lives so that He may continuously perform His sanctifying work in our lives, thereby molding our lives into the likeness of Christ Jesus until that day when our Lord returns again.

As a community of believers, we serve one another and the broken world around us to the glory of God the Father.

As Ecumenical Catholics we open our hearts and doors to all baptized Christians, to all believers in Christ Jesus that we might demonstrate Christ as the head of His Church and that we are all His body, thereby fulfilling Jesus own words, that we would give evidence that the Father had sent Him. Our communion is open to all baptized Christians.